306 842-8151 lmohl@accesscomm.ca

COR SAFETY Solutions Services

  • Customized Health and Safety Manuals
  • Safety Development Forms
  • Help with COR and SECOR
  • Internal and external safety audits
  • ISNetWorld® Compliance
  • ComplyWorks Compliance
  • Pre-Audit Reports
  • COR/SECOR Safety Manuals

    Contact Us

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    Health & Safety Manuals

    We can assist you in creating & implementing a Health & Safety Manual to meet the submission requirements for: Enform Certificate of Recognition (COR & SECOR) Alberta, Saskatchewan, and British Columbia audit requirements. Alberta Construction Safety Association’s Certificate of Recognition (COR) program & SECOR program Saskatchewan Construction Safety Association (COR & SECOR) program British Columbia COR & SECOR. All manuals will be customized for your specific needs.

    If you’ve created your own quality system manual, COR safety manual, SECOR safety manual, or other safety or quality systems manual, we can review your documentation prior to submission and provide advice.

    Our programs follow a 20 section format as follows, and additional sections can be added:
    • Health and Safety Policies
    • Hazard Assessments
    • Safe Work Practices
    • Safe Job Procedures
    • Company Rules
    • Personal Protective Equipment
    • Preventative Maintenance
    • Training and Communication
    • Inspections
    • Investigations and Reporting
    • Emergency Response
    • Records and Statistics
    • Legislation
    • WHMIS
    • Orientation
    • Violence
    • Drug & Alcohol
    • Commercial Vehicle Regulations
    • Light Duty
    • Waste Management/Environmental Policy
    • Safety Manual(s), Safety Forms binders, which contain all the forms/paper work required to stay in compliance with the program, such as Safety Meetings, Hazard Assessments, inspections, etc.


    We are able to assist your company through each step of becoming COR/SECOR certified. We evaluate your safety program, implement solutions and prepare your company for auditing.

    COR Safety Solution can supply certified auditors to conduct your External or Internal Audits. A health and safety audit is a comprehensive review of an employer’s health and safety system. To qualify for COR (Certificate of Registration) an audit must be carried out by a certified auditor. An audit covers the basic elements of a health and safety system, personal interviews, documentation review, and workplace observation. To acquire COR, you must receive 80% overall mark without less than 50% in any one element.

    Internal/External Audit

    The annual audit required to maintain your company COR; performed in the two years between external audits. External Audit required to qualify for COR status or to maintain your COR every three years.


    Performed when a significant event occurs that results or could have resulted in human, property and/or production loss. This is usually conducted by an external auditor to ensure an appropriate level of objectivity. The goal is to identify areas for improvement.

    Limited Scope Audit (LSA) Completed on one or more workplace or operational areas where there is: an increase in incident frequency/severity a change in activity or staffing a high-risk workplace identified in a previous audit, or required by certifying partner to meet/maintain COR certification

    System-Wide Audit

    May be required to have all operational areas evaluated for the Saskatchewan COR program when a regulatory agency has requested that the entire program is evaluated. An employer may also initiate a system-wide audit on their own.

    We have certified auditors on our team of safety specialists that can audit your program or assess readiness for an audit.


    A customized costing strategy can be developed that fits your unique circumstances. 

    ISNetworld® RAVS® Development & MSQ Assistance

    Customized RAVS® requirements are uploaded directly to your account. Very little work is required of you. Here is exactly what you get: Accessing your RAVS® Safety Program Matrix, we determine exactly which written programs are required by your customer. Adobe PDF format is uploaded directly to ISNetworld’s® website. A safety consultant then completes the questionnaires required for “each individual” safety program RAVS® section. This step alone will save you hours and hours of tedious work. If any program receives less than 100% passing, we will make any and all required changes at no additional cost to you. Once all submitted written safety programs have received a 100% passing score, we will email you the RAVS® information that was submitted.

    Comply Works

    ComplyWorks Ltd. provides relevant compliance with active monitoring solutions across a variety of global industries including Oil & Gas, Transportation, Construction and Forestry. Focused on the three (3) levels of business, the Employer, the Contractor and the Worker, we provide each level with the tools needed to set, manage, monitor and communicate their compliance needs across every aspect of their business.

    Filling out ComplyWorks questionnaires can be intimidating and time consuming. We can assist you in the submission of this information and help guide you through the online submission process.

    Cost Comply Works Compliance Phone call is required Comply Works Account Management Phone call is required.